Money Exchange Platform
We offer software to help you provide instant cryptocurrency exchange opportunities to your customers.
Third Stock Exchange integration
By integrating it into the Cryptocurrency exchange, you can use the buying and selling boards of other exchanges.
Additional Tools
In addition to the Borsa Finance site, we offer additional software that allows you to add charts, information and current news.
Software Development
This process consists of various stages: Planning, Analysis, Product Design, Development & Implementation, Testing, Maintenance.
Outsourcing Solutions
Access expert sources who boast a range of tech skills from UX design to blockchain consulting.
Consulting Service
Consultancy for new project and any unfinished project about crypto stock market software.
Target Marketing Strategy
A business plan focused on growing sales and brand awareness within a specific group of consumers.
Mobile App Development
Go mobile with full app creation, app customization, site-to-app conversions, bug fixes, and more
Project-Based Model
The entire development process: establishing the specs, allocating workflow, setting timescales and quality testing.
bitbu technology
World’s Number 1 Technology Solution Provider.
The goal of software services is to provide efficient and effective technology solutions that help businesses achieve their goals.