Both have their benefits and flaws. Mobile apps are certainly more expensive but can provide you with lots of data collecting, monetisation capabilities than web applications. Progressive Web Apps are a good compromise between a mobile and web app.

All our development and software testing processes are running while adhering to Agile, Scrum, DevOps, and other methodologies to meet the highest KPIs for your project.

We require some essentials before a software development. Before developing a mobile app, Your business analysis team should prepare these must-know issues to make the most out of mobile: Competitor analysis, defining user personas, figuring the costs, choosing the app monetisation strategy, goal setting and product specification.

With our developers' team, you are guaranteed highly experienced IT professionals at your disposal. For your project, we have engineers who work your every requirements.

To start with, we review project requirements and get them analyzed and then inform you of the estimation results. Once you are fine with the cost and time, the next step: to create a project report document and a proposal. Once everything has been finalized we would then take the project to the development stage.

To provide the best services in the market we mainly focus our software development services on product development for several primary industries like game industry, financial, hospitality, media, education and more.

Of course, you can rent our crypto exchange software on a monthly or annual basis and pay monthly or annually.

To give you a precise answer we must analyze a project scope and create a budget. We shall tell you how much of that scope can be completed within the budget.

We analyze the result after every two weeks, we test our work (we conduct both development and tests). After presenting to you, we apply your feedback. So you know you get what you are paying for.

We have not a demo version but processing with Agile Methodolgy helps us to create operating software as soon as possible. Therefore, you'll be able to examine and test your software very early.

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